Spray-jet tenderizing is here.
Get a more tender product with less waste and down-time. No needles, no nonsense.
20+ Years
of Food Processing Experience
Are you throwing away too much product?
Is equipment down-time hurting your bottom line?
Do you lose money cleaning complicated equipment?
We provide you equipment that makes safe food and offers great returns, so you can grow your company and provide the best value to your customers.

Use high-pressure jets to inject and disperse more evenly than ever
Six ways an S2I S-Series Injector will make your plant more profitable:
Throw less product away
With S2I's injector, more of your product will pass quality tests and sell.
Drop the tumbler
Better uptake and distribution eliminates the need for vacuum tumbling.
Inject small and fragile products
Add weight and flavor to goods you could never inject before.
Reduce cleaning time by an hour
S2I machines make it easy for your team to access and clean all surfaces.
Simplify to reduce down-time
Fewer moving parts means fewer breakdowns and maintenance calls.
Improve bone-in injection
Shoot from top and bottom, with no needles to chip bones.